Harvey Brown was an associate with Craig, Bernstein and Davich before starting his own law practice, which was merged with Ayers & Brown, P.C. in 1980. Mr. Brown was the managing shareholder of the firm. He has been a sole practitioner since January 2021. From 2007 through 2018, Mr. Brown was a Judge Pro Tempore for the Maricopa County Superior Court Family Law Division. He presided over court hearings and conducted settlement conferences. Harvey Brown received a B.S. in Business Administration (finance) in 1968 and a Juris Doctor from the University of Arizona in 1971. While attending the University of Arizona, Mr. Brown participated in the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance program, Law Student Civil Rights Research Council, and was a staff writer for the Arizona Advocate. A substantial portion of Mr. Brown’s practice for approximately 50 years has been in the area of family law, including divorce, paternity, custody, property, and support issues. He also practices probate, civil litigation, and corporate areas.